Standing legs shoulder width apart, grab a barbell with a wide overhand grip (Further than shoulder width apart).  In a slow and controlled motion, pull the barbell toward your shoulders, keeping your arms in straight path all the way up and down.  Pull until the bar is just above your chest.  THe weight should go straight up your body without touching your body.  Keep your elbows above the bar at all times.  Hold this position for 2 seconds and slowly lower the weight back down.  That's one rep. Do 5 sets of 15 reps.  Since you are doing a higher rep, keep the weight a little lower than normal. (i.e. 25 lbs instead of 35)
                                        Position 1                                                                         Position 2  
Holding a barbell (wherever u place your hands on the barbell will change which muscle you work out, so vary it up), keeping your back slightly bent back and legs shoulder width apart, lift the barbell straight up and gently lower it back down to starting position.  Do 4 sets of 15 reps.  Breathe and go slowly.  You should feel the burn in your shoulders if you're doing it correctly

             Start                             Position 2
Laying on your back (this works best on a flat bench, but a mat on the floor will do), hold a barbell a little less the shoulder width apart and above your head.  Keeping your shoulders still, lower the barbell toward your forehead, and keep your elbows still.  Bring it back to the starting position. That's one rep. Do 4 sets of 12-15 reps, aiming for 15.  Refrain from pointing your elbows out.  As you get a little more experienced, you can point your elbows outward to target different "heads" of your triceps. I have James Nguyen demonstrating because his form is better than mine and my elbows are currently out of commission. 

Holding a barbell of your weight of choice (preferably 20 and up), start at position 1(Below), and go to position 2(Below). Return to position 1.  Do this 7 times. Then go from position 2 to position 3, 7 more times.  Then go from position 1 to 3, 7 more times.  That's one set. Repeat this for 4 sets.  If you can, do 10-10-10's or increase the weight.  Keep your elbows still to isolate your biceps. Keep the motion slow and controlled; don't swing your arms.

                Position 1                                      Position 2                                         Position 3

    Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Traps

    Your biceps help pull the skin to make your triceps more defined and vice versa.  Shoulders without traps, you'll look like a square. Traps without shoulders, you'll look like an awkward oval. No one wants to date someone without boulder shoulders. Think about the last pair of sexy arms you saw, now remember those SHOULDERS. 


    April 2013
    March 2013

